do it! build a webpage

you can build any site you want with a host, a graphic editing program, and search skills. if you can't figure out a code, there are endless forums and resources online. we all started with text and images on a page. it's your own personal home online and you'll make it great.

lissa explains helped me so much back then and it's still here~

the steps

sign up here
get familiar: start editing the dummy page they added
make and upload photos and graphics
fall down the rabbit hole into wonderland
make community: swap links, join cliques, and enjoy

where it all started

in 1997 after getting a dial up connection, i soon found out about "chat rooms" and often visited to chat with others. there were quite a few sites setup with chats or message boards on them and i started asking myself why i don't just make my own website. i had started designing cute posts for forums and signed up for a free website to do the same. i spent hours looking at everyone's code, trying desperately to understand and to figure out how each phrase worked.

i quickly found out if you know the basics, you can build anything. it became an obsession for me after that. when i would work on a new layout as a tween, i just would stay up all night working on it and would awake to work more as soon as the sun rose. it took so long to changed the graphics and re-code everything and yet i had to finish it. i saw new things come around obviously because i was immersed in web 1.0 but i also got fully immersed in web 2.0 as it became more about blogs and CMS which i also loved, and that paved a way for myspace and other social media. currently most people access social media profiles on their phones and don't design their own personal pages on computers anymore. i'm happy to see it's making a comeback and i'm fully here for it.